Dr. Rahim
Gonstead Chiropractor
Dr. Rahim rests at the crux of education and entertainment, carving a unique place on the internet as social media’s renowned doctor.
Helping even the most severe cases, families all over the world await every video drop to see what an adjustment by Dr. Rahim could be like. The organic excitement for his content helped his channel reach over 1 billion total impressions on Youtube alone.
With every patient, Dr. Rahim’s global following learns more about a well-adjusted life using the Gonstead Wellness method.
While operating as a Los Angeles based chiropractic healer for 20+ years, Dr. Rahim started his Youtube channel 6 years ago that quickly garnered 500 million views.
Now, Dr. Rahim is expanding his reach with an office extension to Dubai.
Who is Dr. Rahim?
A globally renowned chiropractic healer with 20+
years of hands-on experience and over 1 billion social
media impressions.
What does Dr. Rahim do?
He brings the spine back in alignment to unlock a
better quality of life.
Where does he operate? Los Angeles based with a 2024 Dubai expansion.
Why go to Dr. Rahim?
He speaks in the language of current culture with a
human-centric approach and trusted brilliance.
How does he work?
He uses the Gonstead Wellness method, proven to
deliver the best results for optimal spinal alignment.
Dr. Rahim holds a Doctorate of Chiropractic degree from Southern California University of Health Sciences. He is a Certified Gonstead Chiropractor and Instructor with over 400 hours of post graduate training in the Gonstead System of Chiropractic. He was the first recipient of prestigious Gonstead Extremity Certification in 2003. He has over 21 years of extensive training and utilization of functional medicine protocols to balance body chemistry and physiology using natural organic whole food based nutritional supplementation and life style modifications.
Dr. Rahim is a continuing education provider and a Board Certified Chiropractic Physician in California. He was an Associate Faculty Professor for two chiropractic colleges and director of a teaching clinic. Dr. Rahim was a contributing author for the Gonstead extremity textbook (Werking on Extremities, A Specific Approach to Extremity Conditions and Care, 2005).
Dr. Rahim has over 20 years of experience in the chiropractic and wellness industry. He has a highly successful tract record of identifying the cause of clients’ health issues, where it has been challenging to obtain outcomes by other methods. His extensive knowledge of the human frame and physiology has helped prevent over 500 surgeries for satisfied clients. He cares for people of all ages and walks of life; from pregnant and expecting mothers, to newborns, infants, children and the elderly. He has served thousands of people through chiropractic missions in Central America and Africa.
Dr. Rahim’s philosophy is, “It doesn’t matter who you are or what condition you have, everyone has a spine, everyone has a nervous system. When there is interference in the nervous system, the person cannot live and express life to their full potential. Everyone can benefit from a healthy spine and body.”
The primary condition that chiropractors treat is the vertebral subluxation complex (VSC) or subluxation. A subluxation is defined as a misalignment in the spine or extremity causing abnormal function of the joint and resulting nerve dysfunction. Therefore, anytime there is a subluxation present, there will be associated signs and symptoms. The common signs and symptoms of a subluxated joint include swelling, heat, altered function, redness and pain.
Secondary conditions:
- Acid Reflux
- Allergies
- Arthritis
- Autism, Bell’s Palsy
- Bone Spurs
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cerebral Palsy
- Chronic Neck Pain
- Crohn’s Disease
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Disc Bulges and Herniation
- Dizziness
- Fibromyalgia
- Forward Head Posture
- Headache
- Immune Function
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Knee Pain
- Low Back Pain
- Mid back Pain
- Migraines
- Numbness and Tingling (hands and feet)
- Neck Pain
- Neurologic Dysfunction
- Pregnancy-related Pain
- Radiculopathy
- Repetitive Stress
- Scoliosis
- Sciatica
- Seizure Disorders
- Shoulder and Arm pain
- Sports Injuries
- Spinal Alignment Cervical Curve
- Spinal Pain, Stress
- TemporomandibularJoint
- Torticollis
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Vertigo and Balance
- Whiplash

“Everybody has a spine. Everyone has a nervous system when there is interference between the brain and the body the body cannot function at its optimal best. A well adjusted, well nourished and well moving person lives a happier, healthier life and better quality of life. GO WELL with Dr. Rahim!”

1 You were designed to be in balance with nature.
2 The nervous system controls, coordinates and regulates every function in the body.
3 When there is interference in the nervous system, you cannot live to your full genetic potential.
4 The spine is designed to house and protect the central nervous system.
5 Misalignments in the spine and body can result in malfunction of the nervous system.
6 These misalignments can increase wear and tear on the spine and body and result in symptoms.
7 If not corrected, these misalignments can lead to more serious conditions in the future.
8 Get your spine and body checked for misalignments that could be affecting your overall quality of life.
Welcome to the Office
3M subscribers across social media platforms and over 1B impressions
Contact us
Kindly fill out the form below to inquire or book an appointment.
Call us:323-822-5023 Email:
info@drrahim.com LA Office Address:
Gonstead Wellness,
Dr. Rahim Salehmohamed, D.C., HBSc.,
321 N. Larchmont Blvd. Suite 905,
Los Angeles, California 90004